The Aetherius community: a major international business Unite religieux Men & ladies sur une objectif cosmique

La courte type: En 1954, le Dr George King obtenu a note from pas encore connu contacter amener confort à tous et élargir peuple compréhension de le univers. Il commencé une organisation known as Aetherius community parler les théories d’un autre intelligence et aider individus try un voyage d’éveil religieux. Pendant des décennies, la communauté a effectivement obtenu bon puissance de nombreux supporters et copains who care significativement à propos de putting some globe un encore plus chaleureux spot. Lorsque cette objectif humanitaire parle votre principes, vous peut découvrir conseils simples pour servir la cause par le biais de participation à un voisin part en amérique, au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, en continent australien, au Japon, en Suède, aux côtés pays mondial. De la prière une fois par semaine sessions aux pèlerinages annuels, la communauté Aetherius puise dans une connaissance cosmique et spirituel énergie qui au-delà de croyance.


Vraiment l’amour est un mystérieux force dedans monde. Aime liens individus, inspire mesures, et fournit ce qui signifie à nombre incroyable de emplois du temps. bien que nous ne pouvons pas constamment le comprendre, l’amour est essentiel de quoi cela indique est individu et exactement ce que way to être vivant. Richard Lawrence, le Secrétaire Exécutif de ce Aetherius Société pour Europe, contrasté vouloir eau potable dans un autre de son sermons: “que vie comme vous le savez peut-être il sur la planète cannot exister sans liquide, absolument rien pour le market pourrait exister sans really love. “

L’Aetherius culture est en fait une organisation de longue date spirituelle organisation concentrée autour de spirituelle compréhension et fonctions humanitaires. Les membres de la Société ont confiance en un plus contacter pour fournir human en obtenant et envoyant bon combustible. En 1955, un visionnaire yoga saisir appelé Dr. George King a fondé le mondial religieux culture après il a été donné télépathique marketing et communications commerciales de un plus grand extraterrestre intelligence accru. Il pensait c’etait vraiment leur responsabilité partager équitablement le message information de sérénité, confort, et really love.

De nos jours, The Aetherius culture fournit une présence à Londres, la, et beaucoup de lieux dans le monde. Les membres souvent se réunissent pour distribuer profiter et thérapeutique puissance au sein de communautés et à travers monde. Si vous vous sentez attiré par cette sacrée mission, vous pouvez visiter une conférence, assister à un pèlerinage, ou essayer autres guérison traditions avec le but non lucratif entreprise. Tout le monde, indépendamment de leur propre arrière-plan ou philosophie, est en fait ceci est être une partie de les initiatives de Aetherius Society, renforcer leur spiritualité compréhension , et trouver un plus but dans la vie.

“au get-go, le major principe était service au monde, “a dit le révérend Oscar E. León associé à Aetherius Société. “Nous sommes juste ici pour essayer envoyer tout autant grand spirituel énergie au monde comme nous. “

Dr. George King Fondé le religieux en 1955

En mai 1954, un message concerné Dr George King, qui était simplement un maître du yoga et une transe moyenne, comme il était en their flat in London. A gentle, yet company, sound outside his human body said to him: “ready yourself! You will be in order to become the sound associated with the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Today, George had never ever heard of an interplanetary parliament, nevertheless ethereal words remaining him stunned. He knew he’dn’t envisioned them, but he could not comprehend what they intended. He invested with the rest of their existence endeavoring to realize the program set forth by that prophetic original contact. Although the guy cannot explain exactly why, he said he recognized without a doubt he were contacted by an alien and powerful force to greatly help deliver humankind right back from the verge of damage.

By developing his spiritual comprehension and forging telepathic channels, George heard many other messages from the extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master called the Aetherius, that is a Greek term meaning traveler through ether.

George officially started The Aetherius community in 1955. Their goal were to spread the lessons of alien gods and lead other people down a path of enlightenment and comfort. The organization has since evolved into a worldwide motion encompassing numerous souls dedicated to residing and adoring on a higher religious level.

Look for the wonderful story of Dr. George King’s existence work right here. As George himself stated, “i really do perhaps not ask the unbeliever to trust at a time, but only demand he can be applied what Aetherius claims to their own reason.”

Find Healing & factor on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What links people in The Aetherius Society together is actually a good, heartfelt need to assist others and come up with the world a better spot. Folks from all parts of society, from Quakers to atheists, find their way to your Aetherius culture. “All of our members result from differing backgrounds with various examples of spiritual development,” Oscar said, “but they all show the interior knowledge or urge to get of spiritual service to the world.”

The corporation allows you for newcomers to get included by inviting them to go to divine services or prayer traditions. All week long, members can immerse on their own within the sermons, lectures, classes, and spiritual undertakings associated with the community. Possible look-up activities online and know if your regional section convenes. The instructional and friendly atmosphere encourages men and women to get involved in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers centered on fostering world comfort.

“It is all very good,” Oscar told united states. “we plenty vibrant prayers and practices regularly purify the spirit and treat globally.”

One of The Aetherius culture’s the majority of time-honored customs is its pilgrimages to holy hills which contain considerable amounts of religious electricity. The business acknowledges 19 mountains charged with immense religious significance. Since 1959, hundreds of users have traveled on hills to recharge and progress their own spirits.

During times during the crisis, the community pulls from these holy websites to release good electricity inside globe to offset natural disasters, wartime dispute, governmental upheavals, and various other human disasters.

“anyone of any degree of development can go to the hills and practice a selfless act of solution to contact the religious efforts included within it,” Oscar told you. “the feeling varies from person-to-person, however it is always extremely positive and beneficial. People of all faiths, or no particular trust, are thanks for visiting join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded people provide Their particular Understanding & Support

From California to Australia, numerous thoughtful individuals have come to be followers with the Aetherius culture and found typical soil with religious people that show similar viewpoints. Sometimes the company has actually even fostered committed enchanting interactions.

Oscar informed united states he met his girlfriend at an Aetherius culture event. She was actually a friend of 1 regarding the members and attended an Operation energy Prayer event because she ended up being interested in the Society. Her real interest and positive attitude caught Oscar’s interest. He informed united states the guy appreciates the woman capacity to comprehend his opinions and discuss his goals.

Today they are joyfully married and focused on the same cause of advertising comfort throughout the world. “She acknowledges the necessity of offering humankind,” the guy said. “Our relationship might priceless to my own personal religious development. This has been a blessing in numerous ways.”

Through Aetherius culture, numerous kind-hearted folks have located neighborhood and company. The corporation breaks down barriers between people and motivates linking on a higher spiritual jet.

“It’s very vital currently inside our background to take men and women with each other and attain beyond borders,” Oscar said. “At the forefront of The Aetherius community’s teachings is the fact that the audience is one human race, and we need certainly to work much more with each other.”

The Aetherius culture offers Enlightenment Through Service

“appreciation is actually an all-permeating electricity, basically above head,” Dr. George King as soon as said in a sermon. “it’s the great energy of the cosmos.”

Although George passed away in 1997, their crucial message physical lives on in The Aetherius community. The desire to accomplish great, express love, and unite mankind drives the entity in question onward, and now a new generation of spiritual individuals have stepped-up to guide the community from inside the 21st century.

Through typical sermons, pilgrimages, and other holy endeavors, The Aetherius Society has furthered the religious journeys of hundreds of men and women worldwide. Anyone can connect with people in this area and locate value within the lessons of love, comfort, and recognition.

“It is a cosmic purpose, but it is available to every person,” Oscar told us. “the users, site visitors, and sympathizers share a need to offer that assist heal worldwide through a greater cosmic understanding of the universe.”